The job allows you to associate urls, tags (strings) and any metadata (dict) with specific content items within an archive. This is useful for linking external resources, accessing content directly through URLs, filtering content based on tags and metadata.
Required Account Privileges: "read-write"
Request JSON ["inputs"]:
"archive": string (3 <= len <= 30) unique in account null NOT allowed A unique string identifier for the archive within your account. "indexed_content_id_to_url_tags_metadata": dict of int to dict ("url": (string or None), "tags": (list of strings or None), "metadata": (dict)) null NOT allowed A dictionary where each key is an integer representing a content ID, and each value is a dict containing any of "url" (string or None), "tags" (list of strings or None), and "metadata" (dict). Please note that all dates must be strings and follow the format YYYY-MM-DD
Response JSON ["results"]
The job does not return results in the response JSON