
The job groups your data into clusters based on calibrated similarity metrics, which are fine-tuned to your specific data for improved accuracy. facilitating better organization and analysis.

It also provides options for sorting content within clusters and sorting clusters by internal diversity.

Required Account Privileges: "read"

Request JSON ["inputs"]:

      string (3 <= len <= 30) unique in account 
      null NOT allowed
      A unique string identifier for the archive within your account.

      list of ints
      null allowed
      Optional. A list of integers representing the IDs of the specific contents to consider for filtering. If not provided, all contents in the archive will be considered.

      null NOT allowed
      A boolean indicating whether to sort content IDs by their distance to the cluster center.
      null NOT allowed
      A boolean indicating whether to sort clusters by descending internal diversity.

Response JSON ["results"]

      list of lists of ints

      float or null