The job identifies and categorizes data within an archive as either inliers or outliers. This helps in understanding the distribution of data, identifying anomalies, and making decisions based on the central and peripheral content.
Required Account Privileges: "read"
Request JSON ["inputs"]:
"archive": string (3 <= len <= 30) unique in account null NOT allowed A unique string identifier for the archive within your account. "archive_content_ids_subset": list of ints null allowed Optional. A list of integers representing the IDs of the specific contents to consider for filtering. If not provided, all contents in the archive will be considered. "id_to_preference_weight": dict of ints to ints null allowed An optional dictionary mapping content IDs (integers) to their preference weights (integers), which can be used to influence the analysis.
Response JSON ["results"]
"content_ids_sorted_by_inliers": list of ints "content_ids_sorted_by_outliers": list of ints "mean_distance": float